Cover Story for l’espresso
April 2, 2019
This is the story of my land, one of the stories I feel closer for personal and professional reasons. Since I was a child – even before, when my mother was pregnant – I was used to spent all summer in my father’s house in Pineto, on the Adriatic cost of Abruzzo. During the latest years I spent more and more time there, it become my paradise, the place to go every time I came back from a conflict.
In 2009, I left my work as engineer to dedicate myself completely to photography; few months later the earthquake shook the region. I immediately decided to go there to be close to my people and to cover the story. It was one of my very first time on the field, I remember to start collaborating with La Presse agency (this means, shooting picture and try to sell them and if published, be paid). I spent more than a months and several pictures were published but I never be paid for, but once back home, the agency offered my a staff-photographer contract. We worked together around two years before I decided to start freelancing.
Along the years I came back to L’Aquila several time, developing personal relations with some of the people that today are very important in my life. I followed how the “reconstruction” process took place, how the social fabric has been destroyed and became, until today, the biggest wound of the area.
I’m very proud to had the chance to keep working on this story on the ten years’s anniversary of the earthquake. In the last months I came back few times to L’Aquila on assignment for L’Espresso to work on the cover story on the today’s issue of the magazine.
This week in newsstands.