Covid19 in Italy for the New York Times
April 13, 2020
‘We Take the Dead From Morning Till Night’, Bergamo, Italy, for The New York Times
Today we are fighting one of the most difficult battles of our time against an enemy that appears invisible. But it isn’t, it’s powerful and its consequences are extremely real. I really would like to thank you to all the nurses, doctors, funeral parlors, volunteers and all the people who are struggling on the front line of the infection risking their life to save ours. I’m extremely grateful to all the families who opened their doors and let me enter into their life to try to tell their intimate stories of resilience. I hope this dispatch can help us to be more responsible on our choices and respectfully each others and understand how important is collaborate all together for defeat the virus. Huge thank to all the NYT team for their trust and for sharing daily with me this difficult realities Gaia Tripoli David Furst Jason Horowitz, Rebecca Lieberman, Matt Ruby. Un grazie di cuore a Francesca Tosarelli compagna di viaggio e Joan Roig – Colorist Maite Llasera. From the epicenter of coronavirus epidemic, Bergamo, Italy, for The New York Times .