• December 13, 2015

    “Many people suffer, but some suffer more than others. Freedom and democracy, the end of a dictatorship and hope for the future are the reasons at the root of many revolutions. Revolutions are fierce processes […]

  • November 25, 2015

    Secondo l’Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni (Oim), dal 1 gennaio al 22 novembre 2015 sono arrivati in Grecia più di 712mila profughi o migranti, più di 142mila sono arrivati in Italia7, e quasi quattromila in […]

  • November 19, 2015

    When the first refugees, immigrant workers from Bangladesh and Sub-Saharan countries, were fleeing from violence in the Benghazi region of Libya, photographer Fabio Bucciarelli recognized the tremendous suffering and intractable situation facing refugees. Even before […]

  • November 4, 2015

    Un viaggio che dal 2011, anno delle così dette Primavere arabe, arriva fino alle ultime settimane lungo la rotta balcanica per documentare l’esodo di centinaia di migliaia di rifugiati provenienti da Siria, Iraq e Afghanistan […]

  • October 6, 2015

    When Italian photographer Fabio Bucciarelli boarded an overcrowded local train in Gevgelija, Macedonia, just across the Greek border, and embarked on a five-hour trip to Tabanovce, near the Serbian border, he felt an urgency to […]