The Dream Book (FotoEvidence 2016)


The Dream is an emotional journey through the human condition, a state of being devoid of a reference point. It wants to tell stories, reveal humanity, and show the strength of people sustained by a dream to be free of war, find safety, recover dignity, and build meaningful lives again.

The Dream is a hardcover book measuring 24 x 33 cm, 180 pages with black and white images alternating with diptychs, assemblages, and color pictures. Peter Bouckaert, the Emergencies Director for Human Rights Watch, and Fabio Bucciarelli write the introduction

Time Magazine has recognized the book (Fotoevidence, New York, 2016) as one of the best photo books of the year. Please visit TIME Magazine  The Guardian and Lens Culture for more in-depth reviews. 


In the last decade, Fabio Bucciarelli has devoted himself to documenting the major world-changing events, wars, and revolutions, revealing to the world the cruelty of war and its devastating effects on the civilian population. A strong dedication led him to witness historical events, from the death of Gaddafi in Libya to the civilian war in Syria, during which Fabio took a series of harrowing images whose social value was recognized in 2013 with the Robert Capa Gold Medal.

Since 2011, Fabio has worked on a long-term project focused on the consequences of conflicts on civilians and the largest exodus of migrants and refugees after World War II.

The search for humanity in tragedy and the focus on the man rather than the refugee becomes the starting point for the long journey, where the dream has become the engine of a devastating journey in search of refuge.

The Dream is a mature reflection on the universal condition of the man and the woman who becomes a migrant, an empathic and emotional tribute to the thousands of people met during five years of committed documentation, an authorial narrative experiment set between photojournalism and art photography.

During the creation of The Dream, Fabio used several artistic tools to force the reader to wonder about today’s condition of the migrant. Pinhole images, created with Pinolina (a unique machine, built ad hoc) give rhythm to the book, carrying the reader towards a participatory experience.

The choice of using a pinhole camera is meant to de-contextualize an over-documented topic by providing iconic images and evoking the emotional element that characterizes the dream of humanity making up this huge exodus.

Fotoevidence publishes the book and contains an essay by Human Rights Watch’s director Peter Bouckaert beside one of the author, Fabio Bucciarelli.

Photo Editing: Fabio Bucciarelli & Svetlana Bachevanova
Book Design: Fabio Bucciarelli & Simone Franchina 
Text Editing: David Stuart
Cover Design: Simone Franchina
Editorial Consulting: Alessandro Falco
Photo Correction: Eduardo Matas / Addretouch PhotoLab

Printed in Istambul atr Ofset Yapimevi in 2016
Limited Edition 1000 copies

ISBN 978-0-9963912-1-4

