March 2, 2016
Calais, France – In the heart of Europe, near the French city of Calais, thousands of refugees live in a self-managed, makeshift camp built on a former toxic waste dump. Close to the sea and […]
February 24, 2016
My last story from Calais on Il Fatto Quotidiano, 24/02/2016
December 13, 2015
“Many people suffer, but some suffer more than others. Freedom and democracy, the end of a dictatorship and hope for the future are the reasons at the root of many revolutions. Revolutions are fierce processes […]
November 25, 2015
Secondo l’Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni (Oim), dal 1 gennaio al 22 novembre 2015 sono arrivati in Grecia più di 712mila profughi o migranti, più di 142mila sono arrivati in Italia7, e quasi quattromila in […]
November 19, 2015
When the first refugees, immigrant workers from Bangladesh and Sub-Saharan countries, were fleeing from violence in the Benghazi region of Libya, photographer Fabio Bucciarelli recognized the tremendous suffering and intractable situation facing refugees. Even before […]
November 4, 2015
Un viaggio che dal 2011, anno delle così dette Primavere arabe, arriva fino alle ultime settimane lungo la rotta balcanica per documentare l’esodo di centinaia di migliaia di rifugiati provenienti da Siria, Iraq e Afghanistan […]
October 7, 2015
Fabio Bucciarelli was dispatched to Sicily last May to record the arrivals of thousands of refugees in Italy. And Prickett was asked to follow Syrian and Iraqi people who had sought refuge in Turkey and […]
October 6, 2015
When Italian photographer Fabio Bucciarelli boarded an overcrowded local train in Gevgelija, Macedonia, just across the Greek border, and embarked on a five-hour trip to Tabanovce, near the Serbian border, he felt an urgency to […]
March 26, 2015
My dispatch from Mersin – Turkey, the city where hundreds of middle-class Syrians wait to be smuggled into Europe in change for paying thousands, has been published on Al Jazeera America. Special thanks to Vaughn […]
February 26, 2014
This is the assignment I did for Al Jazeera USA from South Sudan. For the american media I reported from the temporary camp in Mingkaman, documented the SPLA government soldiers activities and the daily life […]
October 15, 2012
“Colpiti, feriti, accasciati: i bimbi nel mirino di Assad” from Aleppo, Syria. Fabio Bucciarelli per Pubblico
October 8, 2012
Fra i dimenticati siriani della frontiera in fuga dalla ferocia di Assad Bab Al-Salaama, Syrian-Turkish border