May 19, 2019
My latest interview for the cover of LaStampa on Pictures of the Year International, my ongoing project on Central American migration and on Italian photojournalism, healthy than ever #photojournalism# photojournalismn #POY76
April 9, 2019
Da oltre dieci anni Fabio Bucciarelli testimonia con il suo lavoro di fotoreporter eventi bellici e crisi umanitarie. Ha ricevuto i più importanti premi internazionali di fotografia documentaria, tra i quali il Robert Capa e […]
March 16, 2019
The New York Times reviews POYi – Picture of The Year International – awarded stories including the work I’ve done in Gaza and Mexico in 2018. Thank you to NYT’s James Estrin to give voice to this […]
January 8, 2019
La Verità dello Sguardo | Intervista di Raffaele Marino a Fabio Bucciarelli | Il fotografo costringe il mondo all’interno del suo scatto e gli individui credono molto di più all’immagine fotografica che alla realtà. “Mandami […]
October 30, 2018
Per ‘Atlantide’ la mia testimonianza sulla fine della guerra civile libica, la morte di Gheddafi ed i sogni rivoluzionari di un paese infranti dai sempre crescenti interessi economici e geopolitici internazionali. Qui è possibile vedere la […]
March 26, 2018
South Sudan was finally able to separate from the north in 2011. The state celebrated its independence as though looking at an endless sky: freedom and unlimited vastness, hope and a never-ending future. Everything was […]
January 22, 2018
Per leggere l’articolo su La Stampa cliccare qui. Testo Nicolas Lozito/La Stampa Le macerie, gli studenti, i pozzi. Una bambina che compare attraverso un lenzuolo strappato nel campo brasiliano di Dalcidio Jurandir, uno dei punti […]
October 11, 2017
8 Ottobre , 2017 sono stato invitato a partecipare al programma TV trasmesso su RAI3 la domenica pomeriggio KILIMANGIARO, per inaugurare una nuova rubrica sulla fotografia. Abbiamo parlato di guerre, comunicazione e fotogiornalismo. Qui il […]
January 23, 2017
I was in Libya for the first time at the beginning of the civil war, in February 2011. During the war I went back several times, first to Benghazi to document the fighting in Cyrenaica, […]
July 21, 2014
MeMo project has been featured on the second page of The International New York Times. MeMo // “Pushing the limits of visual storytelling” Me-Mo was created by a group of committed photojournalists and talented developers. […]
July 20, 2014
I’m happy to share with you our last interview about MeMo project published on New York Times, Lens. Here the extract of the interview done by NYT David Gonzalez who has talked to all MeMo members. […]
February 18, 2014
I spent more than 3 weeks in February documenting the situation in South Sudan. I manly worked for AFP covering the huge exodus of IDP’s from Bor in Mingkaman. After a week I went to […]
November 24, 2013
I am extremely proud to have been selected between the 100 photographers to join GETCLOSER. For the 100 days between October 22nd — Robert Capa’s 100th birthday — and the opening of “Capa in Color” at […]
September 26, 2013
I’m pleased to feature in TIME Magazine a reportage I did in Haiti during April 2013. It’s about people with mental problems that need medical assistance but live in extremely poor conditions in the ‘hospital’ […]
August 17, 2013
From The Magazine – WPO. Issue 3: Photojournalism: Fabio Bucciarelli is an award-winning documentary photographer whose work focuses on conflict and the human consequences of war. He shares his work with us, following two extremely […]
July 18, 2013
FROM NPPA: ROME (July 15, 2013) – Award-winning photojournalists Fabio Bucciarelli and Riccardo Venturi will headline a special panel discussion at John Cabot University on July 17, 2013, on the changing role of professional visual […]
July 12, 2013
Glad to appear on Wall Street International Magazine with an Interview by the Italian photo editor Mariateresa Cerretelli. Mariateresa Cerretelli is the vice President of GRIN, the organisation of italian photo editors. Amilcare Ponchielli prize […]
June 19, 2013
About one month ago the Nppa the editor of News Photographer magazine, Donald R. Winslow and I talked about photojournalism, wars and Syria. This is the result of that chat: a great article with the images […]
May 23, 2013
Interview about the project Battle to Death on Photographic Museum of Humanity. From Museum Blog | Community: Italian photographer Fabio Bucciarelli talks about his experience in Syria where he developed the project “Battle to Death” with which […]
May 12, 2013
Glad to appear on Le Journal de la Photographie. Thanks to Laurence Cornet for her interview about my work and the Robert Capa Gold Medal.
May 10, 2013
Some days after receiving The Robert Capa Gold Medal from Overseas Press Club, Francesco Semprini’s La Stampa journalist based in New York did me an interview about the time I spent in Syria.
August 10, 2012
Libyan Wish, the picture of the libyan revolutionary soldier sitting in the rocket muonted in the desert near in Sirte, has been featured in Verve Photo. “In 2011, I spent three months in Libya covering […]
May 2, 2012
L’Odore della Guerra – Intervista per ASSAMAN di Alessandra Montesanto Gheddafi steso su un materasso insanguinato, esanime, coperto da un telo verde. Quella foto di Fabio Bucciarelli ha fatto il giro del mondo: Bloomberg, The Times, Stern […]
April 8, 2012
Some of the articles and pics released about the exhibition L’Odore della Guerra// The Smell of the War. 33 photographs on the Libyan conflict will remain on display until April 22, through the streets of Rovereto’s old town.