April 10, 2020
La Cura e la Pietà. Fotografia ©Fabio Bucciarelli testo ©Marco Damilano “Lo smarrimento degli sguardi, la fragilità dei corpi, l’impossibilità di dire Dio, di dirsi addio. La carezza che saluta chi sta lasciando la sua […]
February 29, 2020
Portrait of the Italian songwriter and singer Andrea Laszlo De Simone on assignment for the french newspaper Liberation on February 2020, Turin, Italy.
November 15, 2019
In Pictures: The indigenous tribes fighting to save the Amazon National Institute for Space Research says number of fires this year has increased by 84 percent compared to 2018. The full story on Al Jazeera […]
October 12, 2019
Driven from Central America by gangs and finding refuge in Kentucky: One woman’s story This story is a follow-up to a December 2018 report by Yahoo News, photojournalist Fabio Bucciarelli and videographer Francesca Tosarelli of a family’s quest to seek […]
September 10, 2019
“The Border Wall” double spread on Courrier International for Visa Pour l’Image festival in Perpignan.
August 15, 2019
American Chimera on L’Espresso, ITA, 2019. American Chimera wants to rise questions on the migration phe- nomenon while challenging the stereotypes related to the illegal immigration from Central America to the United States: we que- stion […]
July 12, 2019
Glad to be part with “The Border Wall” story in the Forty Years Anniversary issue of the European Photography Art Magazine. It is definitely one of the well-printed magazine I’ve seen in years.
April 9, 2019
Da oltre dieci anni Fabio Bucciarelli testimonia con il suo lavoro di fotoreporter eventi bellici e crisi umanitarie. Ha ricevuto i più importanti premi internazionali di fotografia documentaria, tra i quali il Robert Capa e […]
April 2, 2019
This is the story of my land, one of the stories I feel closer for personal and professional reasons. Since I was a child – even before, when my mother was pregnant – I was […]
March 19, 2019
Su RSI la storia di Dariella e di Mirna è simile a quella di migliaia di migranti in fuga dalle estorsioni e dalle violenze in Honduras in cerca di una nuova vita negli States. Ma […]
February 10, 2019
11 Gennaio 2019, insieme alla filmmaker Francesca Tosarelli, siamo stati ospiti della trasmissione di Diego Bianchi, Propaganda Live, con la testimonianza da Tijuana, dove nei mesi di Novembre e Dicembre abbiamo documentato la migrazione lungo […]
January 18, 2019
American Dream Tijuana, Messico. Dicembre 2018 Fabio Bucciarelli per L’Espresso Il sole che tramonta sul muro di confine dipinge il cielo con pennellate impressioniste creando un paesaggio distopico con dominanti rosse, immagine di una società […]
January 10, 2019
Seeking asylum, migrants report being turned back at — or possibly just past — U.S. border President Trump’s order cracking down on asylum seekers at the southern border has been stayed by a federal […]
January 8, 2019
La Verità dello Sguardo | Intervista di Raffaele Marino a Fabio Bucciarelli | Il fotografo costringe il mondo all’interno del suo scatto e gli individui credono molto di più all’immagine fotografica che alla realtà. “Mandami […]
December 10, 2018
Geometrica, intensamente cimmeria, splendidamente pura, flagellata oggi da un maestrale furibondo, Carbonia è un’altra capitale di rovine italiane. Luoghi dove i fatti, ahimè, valgono più dei sogni e delle promesse. In questo museo delle cere […]
November 10, 2018
Capitolo #2 | Porto Marghera, Venezia, Italia. Come un viaggio pasoliniano attraverso la nazione, “Ferite d’Italia” vuole raccontare il nuovo volto paese attraverso i grandi cambiamenti che lo stanno attraversando. Quattro storie lungo la penisola per […]
July 11, 2018
The Great March of Return | Fabio Bucciarelli for Il Reportage | Gaza, Aprile & Maggio 2018 Dopo sei settimane dall’inizio dell’ondata di proteste conosciute come la Grande Marcia di Ritorno, il 14 Maggio l’esercito Israeliano ha […]
June 16, 2018
Some of my latest pictures from Gaza have been featured on Internazionale alongside the NYT’s Declan Walsh article. #photojournalism #gaza
March 30, 2018
South Sudan was finally able to separate from the north in 2011. The state celebrated its independence as though looking at an endless sky: freedom and unlimited vastness, hope and a never-ending future. Everything was […]
March 26, 2018
South Sudan was finally able to separate from the north in 2011. The state celebrated its independence as though looking at an endless sky: freedom and unlimited vastness, hope and a never-ending future. Everything was […]
November 25, 2017
“[…]life is not a choice. It’s all about where you find yourself.” Proud to have met Emmanuel and his story. A positive glimpse of South Sudan. My latest for UNHCR text by the Helen Womack. To […]
October 16, 2017
During the last two month I’ve been covering the uprising and the Referendum of the 1 Oct, working for AFP and Il Fatto Quotidiano. I consider Barcelona like my second house. I’ve been living in […]
October 2, 2017
The growth of Nationalism in Italy, the far-right party of CasaPuond, the political struggle between a priest and a fascist (only in Italy!) and the refugees crisis in Rome. All this in the last in-depth […]
September 9, 2017
I’m glad to see my my last work on the humanitarian crisis, famine and cholera outbreak in South Sudan published in the paper and digital version of M Le magazine du Monde. Here the reportage featured on the digital […]