December 1, 2021
Grazie di cuore Bolzano per la calorosa accoglienza per l’inaugurazione dell’esposizione “The Border Wall” e “American Chimera”. Il fil rouge della rassegna fotografica sono i Muri, interpretati con 36 fotografie organizzate in due storie e […]
October 12, 2019
Driven from Central America by gangs and finding refuge in Kentucky: One woman’s story This story is a follow-up to a December 2018 report by Yahoo News, photojournalist Fabio Bucciarelli and videographer Francesca Tosarelli of a family’s quest to seek […]
August 15, 2019
American Chimera on L’Espresso, ITA, 2019. American Chimera wants to rise questions on the migration phe- nomenon while challenging the stereotypes related to the illegal immigration from Central America to the United States: we que- stion […]
June 4, 2019
What is happening to the thousands of migrants who enter illegally into US? How is their life in the States? Have their dreams come true? I’ve come to Kentucky to work on the second chapter […]